We are so glad you are here!

We are Eric and Kim Waggoner. Eric has a background rooted deep in growing plants. He grew up with his parents owning a greenhouse and flower shop. In the greenhouse they grew all their own spring bedding plants to sell. All of the plants they sold in flats they started themselves from seed. There’s a lot of planning and scheduling that has to happen to make sure you have the plants ready to sell when the weather is ready for people to buy and plant outside.
Eric was in charge of all the scheduling, sowing the seeds, transplanting and growing of the plants in the greenhouse by the time he was 16. He’s been growing plants from seed for over 35 years. Eric also has a solid background in vegetable gardening, harvesting and preserving!
Kim is a Registered Nurse and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Kim obviously has a background in health and wellness, but what has influenced her health perspective the most was a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. A diagnosis that she has overcome and is now healed from!
Kim’s unexpected diagnosis made us dive into researching what could have caused her cancer. At the time we thought we were living pretty healthy lives, but when we started digging into the facts about our food and food system, environmental toxins and the health and wellness industry, we were shocked at how wrong we were.
Our research lead us to a much better understanding of what is actually healthy versus what is portrayed as being healthy for us. We looked for ways of adding nutrition into our diet (which is how we came across microgreens), getting away from harmful chemicals in our food growing and in our home and work environment, which foods are real and which foods are artificially made, how can we heal our bodies more naturally ourselves, and how can we share what we have learned with others.
That is a little look into who we are, now let’s talk about our farm and property.

We moved to this 8+ acre property in 2019. We had planned on renovating the amazing 100 year old barn and using it as a gathering place for health, wellness, gardening and other classes, retreats, reunions and more! Unfortunately after getting several quotes and some professional inspections on the barn it was not possible for us to save it so sadly, the barn is now gone. Since our vision was for the barn to literally going be the heart of our farm, we’ve had to reimagine how we’re going to host people here…and we’re still trying to figure it out.
About half of our property is “unusable” low ground. I believe eventually we will be able to use it for something but haven’t come up with a plan for it yet. The rest of our property has a large garden area, black raspberry bushes, asparagus patch, a few grape vines, a few old apple trees, pear trees, a couple peach and cherry trees – all of which were here when we moved in. There is also a space for our chickens where they are outside all day foraging, scratching and just being chickens.
Currently I grow all of the microgreens in the basement of our house using metal racks and grow lights. It has worked well so far, but I am needing to expand my growing area now so I’m currently building a room in the pole barn that I will use for the microgreens.
We are always looking at what is growing on our property naturally and abundantly that we can use to improve our health. People have survived for thousands of years before the creation of big pharma, and the way people used to survive was by using natural remedies, growing their own food and stewarding the land. So many of us have lost the knowledge of how to do these things ourselves and it’s taken less than 100 years to lose it. We want to learn more and more of the “old” ways of doing things and we want to help as many people as possible learn them too.
If this interests you, we would love for you to join us!