Are you looking for an easy way to add nutrition into your diet, or how you can get your kids or other picky eaters to “eat their greens”? Well, we’ve got your answer!

We have a greens powder that is super-nutritious! Our greens powder is made from 100% dried microgreens. Most other greens powders are made from dried mature vegetables, which isn’t bad, but microgreens have about 40 times the nutrition than their mature version. Microgreens are nutrient dense and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Because microgreens are so nutritious and it takes so many dehydrated microgreens to fill a jar, we suggest 1/4 teaspoon of our Superfood Greens Powder as 1 serving.
We grow the microgreens from Non-GMO seed in an organic soil mix. Then, when the microgreens are ready, we harvest them and dehydrate them on low heat to keep as much nutrition as possible. When they’re dehydrated, we grind them into a powder and pack them into glass jars and they’re ready to go!
Our Superfood Greens Powders have a very mild flavor and that makes them super easy to add to almost anything virtually undetected. You can add them as an ingredient into most recipes. For example, if you are making a meatloaf, add 1/4 teaspoon to the recipe while you’re mixing it up and no one will be able to tell that there’s greens powder in the meatloaf. You can also add Superfood Greens Powder to a smoothie, put it in a glass of water, sprinkle it on top of a salad, mix it into apple sauce or mashed potatoes, or almost anything you would like! (Superfood Greens Powder is green so it will change the color of some foods and drinks.)
Because our Superfood Greens Powder does not have any added ingredients or fillers, we use much smaller jars than other greens powders. Each of our 4 ounce jars contains approximately 45 – 1/4 teaspoon servings. Depending on how many servings you use it per day, a jar could last you up to 45 days if you use 1 serving per day, or if you use 3 servings per day, it would last approximately 15 days.
We have 2 varieties to choose from. We have our Original Superfood Greens Powder that is made from a mix of microgreens and we have Broccoli Superfood Greens Powder, made from only Broccoli Microgreens. We had several people ask for Broccoli only because Broccoli Microgreens are the most nutritious of the microgreens. We are also looking in to making other custom mixes of Superfood Greens Powders.

Original Superfood Greens Powder ingredients: 100% Organic Microgreens – Amaranth, Arugula, Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Beets, Broccoli, Red Cabbage, Cilantro, Dandelion, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mustard Greens, Peas, Radish, Sunflower, etc.
Broccoli Superfood Greens Powder ingredients: 100% Organic Microgreens – Broccoli.

You can find our Superfood Greens Powders at our farm by appointment, at The Farmers Market at Winona (Saturdays May-October), or you can order online for pick up, delivery, meet up, or shipping. Here’s the link to our online store! Back To Natural Farm Online Store