How Easy Is It To Grow Microgreens?

I’ve said before that microgreens are easy to grow, you almost don’t need any skill at growing plants to be able to grow them. It’s not like growing broccoli for 2-3 months to be able to harvest broccoli crowns. All you need to do is be able to get the seeds to germinate, keep them alive for 7-10ish days and then eat them!

Let me give you an example.

I have a restaurant that I deliver arugula microgreens to every Monday. They have a standing order for 2 – 10″x 10″ trays. We were going to go on a little vacation to Georgia to see some family and I didn’t want to tell them that I couldn’t make their weekly delivery. So. Since we were driving to Georgia, I decided to see if I would be able to grow their microgreens while on vacation and have them ready for delivery on Monday!

I packed up the containers, seed, mister bottle, and soil and took it all with me. As you can see, it didn’t take up very much space, so it was easy to pack.

So we got to Georgia Monday evening. We unpacked the car, got settled in our room for the next 4 days and visited with our family.

On Tuesday afternoon I unpacked the microgreens supplies. I put the soil in the trays, wet them down, sowed the arugula seeds, misted the seeds, put empty trays on upside down on top of the seeded trays and set them on a counter out of the way.

Then, I checked and misted the seeds twice a day until we were ready to leave on Friday morning.

When Friday rolled around, we packed up the car and I made sure I left a flat space in the back that was big enough for the trays to sit in and nothing would fall on them! The seeds had sprouted and were tall enough that they didn’t need to be covered anymore. It was time for them to get some light and start to green up.

We made it home Friday evening safe and sound. When we unpacked the car, I took the microgreens down to the grow room in the basement and put them under the lights so they could continue to green up. It was amazing how much greener they were when we got home because it literally rained ALL DAY! There were only a few breaks in the rain and even then it was not sunny.

I left them under the grow lights until Sunday night before I went to bed. I brought them upstairs and put them on the dining room table so they would be all ready for delivery Monday morning. They looked like I had grown them in the growing room the entire time!

I know this was a very brief run through of how I grow microgreens, and it’s not quite my normal process. I am currently putting together a step-by-step guide on how to grow your own microgreens. I hope to have it ready soon, but I want to make sure it’s accurate and I don’t miss anything.

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