Is It Cold and Flu Season?

I only know it’s cold and flu season because everyone is complaining about being sick. I haven’t been “sick” for 6-8 years! My diet isn’t perfect (or even close) but I take a few vitamins and supplements and it makes a huge difference. I know there are a lot more things I could do to make me healthier, it seems like the list is endless, but even making 1 change is better than doing nothing!

How many times do you usually get sick in the winter? If you or your kids keep getting sick there may be some simple things you can do to fix it.

1. Sleep. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. You’re body can’t defend itself if it’s run down. 
2. Stress. Try to eliminate as much stress as you can. I know! Impossible. FYI – more stress = less sleep and less sleep = more stress.
3. Sugar. Stop eating/drinking so much sugar! Sugar suppresses your immune system = you get sick easier and more often!
4. Nutrition! Because of our Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), most people don’t get the nutrition they need. Something as simple as a good multivitamin can help! Yes. Brand matters! Getting started on a supplement that will focus on boosting your immune system is a great place to start. Yes. Brand matters!
5. Gut Health. Your health starts in your gut! More than 60% of your immune system is in your gut. A good Prebiotic and/or Probiotic will make a huge difference. Yes. Brand matters!

All of these things are inexpensive and some of them only require effort on your part. Are you really tired of being sick or are you content doing nothing to fix the problem but you will continue to complain when nothing changes?

Don’t expect to see a change if you don’t make one.

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